Getting Back on Track!

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We’ve all been there. We set a goal, take action, make progress…. and then just stop. Sometimes, we don’t even know what happened that derailed us. Other times we can pinpoint EXACTLY what happened. Regardless, when we fall off track, lose ground, or stumble off our path, we can feel disappointed, ashamed, embarrassed, even angry. These are normal feelings. Unfortunately, these feelings can further derail us. I know so many people (me included) who have allowed these feelings to justify their perceived failure. Instead of thinking, “Hey, I did this much so far, I can do it again,” they think, “I’m such a failure. What made me think I could do this in the first place.” Thinking this way can cause us to spiral into bad habits and negative thought patterns that can only manifest blocks which then create more distance between us and our goals. I’m here to tell you that it’s possible to stop this spiraling before it gets out of control.

A little context.

I am on a health journey. After a medial procedure several years ago my body developed several autoimmune conditions that really took their toll on my ability to fully enjoy my life. It took a long time to sort through these issues and find some root causes. With research and support, I was able to develop a plan to start to undo some of the damage. I jumped in. I set a goal that required dedication to an entirely new dietary lifestyle that would help with inflammation and weight loss, among other things. I stuck to it and I really enjoyed it. I began to see results immediately and it was evident that I was healing. So what happened? Thanksgiving happened. My birthday happened. Christmas happened. While I stayed pretty close to my new lifestyle, I became a little too permissive, making excuses for having a bite of this, a slice of that, a bowl of this, a taste of that. Before I knew it, it was April and my body was telling me that something was horribly wrong. What seemed like small indulgences had suddenly become the norm which is the exact opposite of the path I was on and wanted to continue. I knew I had to figure out why this happened.


Somewhere along the line I stopped holding myself accountable. I felt great and lost a lot of weight. Symptoms of other autoimmune disorders vanished. I figured I could cheat here and there, and by cheat I mean eat things that weren’t healthy for me. And at first, it really did seem like I could do it. I am an adult- I can control myself, right? Well, sure. But it wasn’t long before my old habits kicked in and all the emotions that go with them. I could feel the subtle changes as I spiraled off course. I didn’t gain any weight but I stopped losing it. My skin became a nightmare, which for me is one of the most obvious signs that something is wrong and about to get worse. I looked in the mirror and realized that I couldn’t allow myself to spiral into self loathing or self pity- both would make things worse. I needed to accept responsibility. I needed to acknowledge all the hard work I had done and all the success I had had and appreciate my hard work and success. I needed to get back on my path so I can reach my health goals. So, I reached out to accountability partners to help coach me through the process. To understand. To make changes. To get back on track! After all, I had done it before I could do it again. And my failure? Well, it turns out my failure was simply a lesson and for me, learning that lesson may be the best thing ever because I now know more about myself than I have ever known before.

Back on track.

It feels SO good to be back on track and I’m not ashamed to admit that I made mistakes. I got help and held myself accountable. I am supported on my journey and I am now smarter, stronger, and healthier than I was 6 months ago. I am also more determined than ever. I am excited to set new goals and come up with strategies that will help me through my weaker moments. The path is daunting but I am not alone and I am ready!

Do you need some help getting back on track? If so, you are not alone and you don’t have to be alone. I can help you navigate your goals. It’s not just my degrees or certification that I have to offer but my experiences, my empathy, and my ability to support you no matter where you are on your journey. Contact me HERE today with questions. I am taking new clients and am committed to meeting you where you are. Coaching is done via Zoom and I work with YOUR schedule! Hope to talk to you soon about how your goals and dreams!